Hoist International achieves ISO9001:2015 and VCA-certification
In the fall of 2017, Hoist International has achieved ISO9001:2015 and VCA-certification. These certificates prove respectively that our processes are focused on continuous improvement to increase customer satisfaction and that we secure safety, health and environment in these processes. A result we as Hoist International can be proud of!
The ISO9001:2015 is worldwide the most deployed norm for quality control. In 2015, the norm has changed so much that we had to write a complete new quality handbook. In it, we captured how we are continuously improving our quality and the processes that contribute to that.
The certification confirms that these quality improvements are definitely taking place.
VCA stands for Safety, health and environment Checklist for Contractors, but is much more than a checklist. It is a versatile and complete program to test and certificate service companies objectively and structurally on their safety, health and environment control system. Hoist International was known with this certification and therefore had no problem ensuring this certification.
Do you want to know more about our certification or products and services? Please, contact us!