Privacy Policy Zeevenhooven Air B.V. and Hoist International B.V.

Why this statement?

Zeevenhooven Air BV and Hoist International BV attach great importance to the protection of your personal data. In this privacy statement we inform you about how we handle your personal data.

Who is this statement for?

This statement is addressed to the clients and visitors of Zeevenhooven Air BV and Hoist International BV In addition, this statement is intended for those whose personal data are processed via the websites: and

For visitors to the websites of Zeevenhooven Air BV and Hoist International BV, we also refer you to the cookie statements on our websites.

Which personal data is it?

Contact form on the websites

Contact forms can be found on our websites.

The following data is recorded:

  • Company name
  • First name
  • Surname
  • E- mail address
  • Any other information that you enter on the form

Clients and prospects of Zeevenhooven Air BV and Hoist International BV

In our systems we store the following data of our clients and prospects:

  • Company name
  • Name and address contact person
  • Email address contact person

What are the personal data used for?

Contact Form

The contact form offers website visitors the opportunity to contact Hoist International BV or Zeevenhooven Air BV. The data you enter on the form will be stored and can be shared with our employees. We use this information to contact you and provide you with the best possible service. Your details will also be included in our system, so that we know when we have been in contact with you and we can serve you better next time.

What does the law say about this?

It follows from the General Data Protection Regulation (AVG) that a legal basis is required for the processing of personal data. One of the legal bases is ‘the legitimate interest’. Hoist International BV or Zeevenhooven Air BV have a legitimate interest. After all, it is not reasonably possible to achieve its goals without the processing of personal data; namely maintaining a commercial relationship with its customers, offering the services and products or maintaining contact with (potential) employees.

For the processing of the personal data of the clients, this is based on contractual agreements, which are laid down in an agreement.

Is the provision of personal data mandatory?

There is no law under which personal data must be provided to Hoist International BV or Zeevenhooven Air BV. Visitors and applicants who use the forms on the websites can always choose not to make use of the option to contact us or to apply.

Providing data is not mandatory for clients and prospects . However, the employees of Zeevenhooven Air BV and Hoist International BV cannot maintain contact. The assignments of Zeevenhooven Air BV and Hoist International BV do not benefit from this.

How long are the personal data kept?

Zeevenhooven Air BV and Hoist International BV uses the following retention periods .

When the processing is based on an agreement (a contract with the client of Zeevenhooven Air BV and Hoist International BV), a retention period of 1 year applies. This retention period starts immediately after the execution of the agreement has ended with regard to the relevant personal data.

Zeevenhooven Air BV and Hoist International BV will keep your application data no later than 4 weeks after the end of the application procedure, unless you have given us permission to keep your data for a maximum period of 1 year.

Are the personal data passed on to third parties?

Zeevenhooven Air BV and Hoist International BV does not export personal data to third parties within or outside the European Economic Area (EEA) without the prior consent of a client.

Is there automatic decision-making?

No, there is no automated processing of personal data. Everything that happens with the personal data is done manually (with human intervention).

How is the security of the personal data arranged?

Zeevenhooven Air BV and Hoist International BV takes appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect personal data and prevent data leaks. It concerns among others the following measures :

  • Access to the server rooms is electronically secured and only a few authorized persons have access.
  • All computers, servers and systems are password protected.
  • By means of a firewall it is arranged in such a way that the server network is very limited from outside access.
  • User passwords are stored on the server by hashing.

The privacy rights of the contacts

Any contact person whose personal data are processed has the right to request Zeevenhooven Air BV and Hoist International BV to inspect his or her personal data and / or to have this data supplemented, deleted or blocked. The person who makes such a request must identify himself. If you have a complaint about the processing of your personal data, we request you to contact Zeevenhooven Air BV and Hoist International BV before using the option to submit the complaint to the Dutch Data Protection Authority.


If you have any questions or comments, please contact Gaby Westerbaan of Zeevenhooven Air BV and Hoist International BV via email address