Hoist International: more than just hoist and lift equipment
Even though Hoist International specializes in hoist and lift equipment, we can deliver so much more thanks to our sister enterprises. This way we can deliver breathing air equipment and compressors, lighting, tools and company bikes! Do you envision yourself cycling around on one of these sturdy Hoist bikes? Safe and reliable hoist and lift equipment are our core business, but this equipment is almost always used in combination with other tools and machines. That is why we offer a complete package thanks to our cooperation with our sister enterprises like Zeevenhooven Air, Zeevenhooven Equipment and KSC International. For example, we offer lighting, welding machines, breathing air equipment and compressors. But now we also offer a sturdy Hoist company bike. This way, you can move around easily as well! Contact us to discuss your next project!...
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